
The Implementation Plan is a series of interconnected activities that provide initial momentum towards our long-term commitments.

This includes practical steps to make a difference at the frontline, and foundational activities that build the necessary connections between government agencies.

The Implementation Plan works towards 4 significant and measurable results for:

  • healthcare
  • housing
  • education
  • supporting young people to transition to independence.

Significant and measurable results

The chief executives of the children’s agencies have committed to achieving four significant and measurable results, supporting the wellbeing of children and young people with the greatest needs. 

The initial focus is on supporting the children and young people who are: 

  • in the care or custody of Oranga Tamariki
  • in the youth justice system
  • receiving transitions support from Oranga Tamariki.

These children and young people will receive increased holistic support towards improved outcomes. 

Good health, including wellbeing

Children and young people in care and youth justice have their health needs assessed, planned for and met through an integrated service model by agencies working together to provide holistic and tailored care.

Lead agency: Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora.

Positive housing conditions

Every young person transitioning from care and receiving the transitional support service can access temporary accommodation or long-term housing. 

Lead agency: Ministry of Housing and Urban Development – Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga.

Access to good education

Following notification of a child or young person being placed in a care and protection residence or serving a sentence in a youth justice residence, local Ministry of Education staff will be engaged in transition planning for that child or young person no later than 30 days before their planned exit out of residence. 

Lead agency: Ministry of Education – Te Tahuhu o Matauranga.

Support to grow, connect and be independent

Every young person ageing out of care has a transition pathway into employment, education, or training. 

Lead agency: Ministry of Social Development – Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora.

The Implementation Plan activities

To make change happen quickly, children’s agencies identified practical activities to prioritise during 2022/23 that will mean positive changes for children, young people, families, whānau and communities.

These activities will help agencies design and embed some of the practice and processes needed to keep improving how the agencies all work together. The results of these activities will also help agencies to identify what else they can be doing.

The full list of activities and further information is in the Oranga Tamariki Action Plan Implementation Plan. 

Published: June 30, 2024